Resideo Choses BTF to Help Accomplish Company Mission

For over a hundred years, Resideo has played a critical part in providing equipment or products for heating, cooling, indoor air quality, water, and security for the residential dwellers. I think part of the challenges the industry is facing is one of its highest shortages of skilled workers. At the time when there's more and more demand for new hires.

And so, you know, we see everyday that we need skilled, educated people to install our products. Resideo believes rather than just focusing on that existing pool of contractors, we needed to collectively do something to help address that challenge. That’s what attracted us to the Building Talent Foundation and that’s why joining and partnering with BTF is really a shared vision.

Thinking how we would reimagine our training strategy to bring more skilled workers into the marketplace and residential new construction being a big part of our strategy. The alignment with BTF was obvious.  We realized that individually, none of us can do this on our own. By partnering and joining the Building Talent Foundation mission, we would have a great opportunity to scale and advance that mission.

At Resideo, we're re-thinking our whole approach on training in a way that allows us to not only support the existing pool of contractors and installers, but in a way that helps us use training to attract the next generation of talent into the trades that we rely on. We collectively have a responsibility to support the industries that we serve and the communities in which we live.  

And if we can do all of those things together and address those challenges together, my question would be, why wouldn't you?